May 31, 2024: Good News! CONF-CIAP 2024 Proceedings has been published online!
March 28, 2024: All the accepted papers of CONF-CIAP 2024 were submitted to EWA Publishing.
January 27, 2024: Congratulations! CONF-CIAP 2024 was successfully held online!
January 27, 2024: The workshop "Exploring the Internet of Things" has been held successfully at Al Ain University!
January 25, 2024: The workshop "Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Advance Cybersecurity" has been held successfully at Saint Leo University!
January 24, 2024: The workshop "Employing Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Web and Social Media Textual Data" has been held successfully at University of Portsmouth!
January 22, 2024: The workshop "Harnessing the Power of Deep Learning to Revolutionize Technology" has been held successfully at Illinois Institute of Technology!
January 2, 2024: The workshop "A Machine Learning based Image Analytic for Rating Image Advertisements" has been held successfully at University of Strathclyde!
November 20, 2023: Good News! CONF-CIAP 2023 Proceedings has been published online!
August 11, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Javier Cifuentes-Faura from University of Murcia to give a speech at the conference!
July 28, 2023: All the accepted papers of CONF-CIAP 2023 were submitted to IOP Publishing and EWA Publishing.
July 14, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Ella Haig from University of Portsmouth to give a speech at the conference!
July 11, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Anil Fernando from University of Strathclyde to give a speech at the conference!
July 3, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Derek Mohammed from Saint Leo University to give a speech at the conference!
July 3, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Yazeed Ghadi from Al Ain University to give a speech at the conference!
June 9, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Yilun Shang from Northumbria University to give a speech at the conference!
June 2, 2023: CONF-CIAP 2024 started call for papers.
March 25, 2023: Congratulations! CONF-CIAP 2023 was successfully held online!
March 24, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Emanuel Indrei from Purdue University to give a speech at the conference!
March 22, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Bhupesh Kumar from University of St-Andrews to give a speech at the conference!
March 22, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Selda Kapan Ulusoy from Erciyes University to give a speech at the conference!
March 13, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Michael Harre from The University of Sydney to give a speech at the conference!
March 7, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Bismark Singh from University of Southampton to give a speech at the conference!
March 7, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Abdullahi Arabo from University of the West of England to give a speech at the conference!
February 25, 2023: The workshop "Advanced sensing technology and application" has been held successfully at China Agricultural University!
February 22, 2023: The workshop "Understanding techniques for hiding and scrambling information" has been held successfully at Illinois Institute of Technology!
February 22, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Marwan Omar from Illinois Institute of Technology to give a speech at the conference!
February 21, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Roman Bauer from University of Surrey to give a speech at the conference!
February 21, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Achintya Haldar from University of Arizona to give a speech at the conference!
December 3, 2022: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2386, The International Conference on Computing Innovation and Applied Physics (CONF-CIAP 2022) were published online.
November 4, 2022: Early bird submissions for CONF-CIAP 2023 have been closed. Now is the time for regular submission.
September 30, 2022: All the accepted papers of CONF-CIAP 2022 were submitted to IOP Publishing.
September 9, 2022: CONF-CIAP 2023 started call for papers.
August 4, 2022: CONF-CIAP 2022 premiere was held on YouTube.
July 20, 2022: Eli Kapon from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne was invited to deliver a keynote speech on CONF-CIAP 2022.
July 8, 2022: Dr. Tommaso Cremaschi from University of Southern California was invited to deliver a keynote speech on CONF-CIAP 2022.
June 17, 2022: Dr. Sanjay Ranka from University of Florida was invited to deliver a keynote speech on CONF-CIAP 2022.
June 2, 2022: Due to the Covid-19, CONF-CIAP 2022 decided to be held online.
May 10, 2022: Regular submissions for CONF-CIAP 2022 have been closed. You can still submit your paper before July 20.
January 20, 2022: Early bird submissions for CONF-CIAP 2022 have been closed. Now is the time for regular submission.
September 6, 2021: CONF-CIAP 2022 started call for papers.
August 6, 2021: CONF-CIAP 2022 signed the agreement with IOP Publishing.